JJ Express, Joyous Journey Express, is the First Express Bus Company to introduce and define what
the VIP Buses are meant to be. JJ Express is the First to use Brand new Express Buses; the First to
introduce Bus Attendants to be like that of flying experience (We even state our motto with that in
mind "JJ Express, Just like flying First class!"); the First to introduce 3 axles Bus for comfort
and safety; the First to introduce 2x1 VIP seat configuration; the First to provide online ticketing
with website, iPhone app and Android Phone app. JJ Express is famous for leading the industry with
innovation and service.
These efforts have paid off and JJ Express get rewarded highly from the travelers trotting the world
over with praises and reviews (https://jjexpress.net/testimonial) as the best Bus
company in Myanmar. JJ Express is the choice of international traveler, company boss, elite
travelers and our citizens of the world when it comes to traveling and transportation in Shwe
Myanmar (Golden Myanmar).
JJ Express operates among major cities : Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan, Taungyi (Inle or Inlay lake,
Kalaw) and Naypyidaw. JJ Express operates mostly night buses but there are day buses on certain
routes, Please check with us for more info.